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Artificial Intelligence and Your Business with Dr Alan D. Thompson


World-renowned artificial intelligence (AI) expert, Dr Alan D. Thompson, specialises in augmenting human intelligence and advancing the evolution of ‘integrated AI’. He works with ASX 100 companies, major governments and intergovernmental entities, including UN member states, providing advice on AI. Click here to view full bio.

Artificial Intelligence and Your Business 
Alan will present his keynote address ‘Artificial Intelligence and Your Business’.
This year has brought about an explosion in the world of artificial intelligence. The impact on the business landscape - and beyond - is completely transformative. This keynote explores the current trajectory of AI, its use cases in your industry and the effects of such a revolution. A former chairman for Mensa International’s gifted families, Alan is a best-selling author and recently launched two world-first documents: The Declaration of AI Consciousness and the Bill of Rights for AI.

Supporting Dr Alan D. Thompson, will be local Territory Success Story, Anna Goat, from Rise PC, who will share insights into her business success.

Tickets include canapés and a drink served during the networking function after the keynote presentation, a cash bar will be available for additional drink purchases.

Wednesday 23 October 2024
Start Time
4:00 PM
End Time
7:00 PM
Hosted by
October Business Month
Venue Address
Casino Dr, The Gardens NT 0820
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